
University family invited to participate in step challenge Spring Steps 2024

FitSphere invites students and staff to join the step challenge Spring Steps 2024 to promote regular physical activity. The challenge runs from 1 to 30 April and is free for everyone.

One of the objectives of the challenge is to determine the most active higher education institution and university in Estonia and reward their most active students and staff.

Employees of the University of Tartu can participate in the category of teachers, lecturers and support staff. In the category of higher education institutions and universities, the staff with the highest average number of steps will be rewarded.

Students of the University of Tartu can take part in the category of higher education institutions and universities. The challenge will reward

  • the higher education institution or university from which the greatest number of students registered,
  • the higher education institution or university from which the greatest number of participants registered,
  • the faculty that gathered the greatest average number of steps.

In addition, other prizes will be drawn every week.

To participate in the challenge and track your steps, you need to download the FitSphere app and register as a user. If you have the Google Fit or Apple Health app on your phone, FitSphere will automatically connect to it. The University of Tartu family can use a personal access code depending on whether they are an employee or a student. You then need to start collecting steps and press the "Register steps" button in the app once every 24 hours.

Access codes

  • Employees: ARKABK12
  • Students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities: ARKABK13 
  • Students of the Faculty of Medicine: ARKABK14
  • Students of the Faculty of Science and Technology: ARKABK15
  • Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences: ARKABK16

The terms of use and information about the challenge are available on the FitSphere website. Read also the frequently asked questions.

The challenge organiser is FitSphere and challenge supporters include the Schools in Motion programme, State Forest Management Centre, Tallinn School of Economics and T1 Mall of Tallinn.

In addition to the step challenge, the whole university family is invited to the University of Tartu Spring Run on 10 April at 19:00. The five-kilometre course starts next to the University of Tartu sports centre and runs along the river Emajõgi to the Town Hall Square and back. Until 31 March, university staff have the opportunity to buy a discounted ticket for 6 euros (the regular price on 1–7 April is 18 euros and on the day of the run it is 25 euros).

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